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AAITG Embarks on Quarterly M&E of Program Intervention Sites

M&E Manager talking to Fatou Manneh, Women's Rep in the District Tribunal

In enhancing program quality and ensuring accountability for our rightsholders, ActionAid International The Gambia has just concluded the first half of its quarterly monitoring and evaluation visits to the program intervention sites. 

The visit was meant to track the progress and performance of the 2nd quarter activities and evaluate the successes, challenges, and impact of the interventions implemented by the Local Rights Program 9 (LRP9) office in Juffereh, Upper Nuimi, North Bank Region (NBR). 

The visit provided AAITG with feedback, on the relevance, quality, effectiveness, efficiency, and impact of its program interventions in changing lives and livelihoods to empower communities in rural Gambia. 

Mr. Lamin K. Sanneh, Monitoring and Evaluation Manager, said the visit was also aimed at assessing the progress and effectiveness of AAITG’s program activities and interventions.

“It will help us understand the perceptions of our rights holders as primary stakeholders who directly or indirectly benefit from our program intervention outcomes,” he said. 

He stated that AAITG wants to ensure accountability to right holders and help balance the power dynamics between implementers and right holders, placing them at the center of AAITG's program accountability mechanisms. 

“We have received positive feedback from the rights holders on how our activities and programs have positively impacted their lives and work,” he said.

Reactions from Rightsholders 

“Being a member of the district tribunal has given women the confidence to report cases and seek redress before the tribunal. I am actively involved in all the decision-making processes of the tribunal,” says Fatou Manneh, Women’s Representative, District Tribunal Member, Lower Nuimi. 

She said ActionAid’s intervention to ensure that women are represented in the district tribunal was a giant step in ensuring that issues affecting women in the District Tribunal are considered when undertaking decisions that concern them. 

“It’s also building our inner confidence and trust to disclose matters affecting us, especially in our marital relationships,” she said. 

"The training of district tribunal members by ActionAid has opened up an opportunity for us to understand our roles and responsibilities, the Local Government Act, and other relevant documents. This has improved our service delivery,” says Momodou Sarr, District Tribunal Member, Lower Nuimi.

"As a security personnel, ActionAid has trained me on human rights, SHEA, and safeguarding for all individuals. It has increased my understanding of how to recognize, value, and respect the rights of others while executing my duty as a police officer," Samba Sarr, Police Officer, Njaba Kunda Station. 

"This training has added value to my work and sharpened my understanding of human rights issues; it taught me how to address matters and see things from different angles and address them differently,” says Jarreh Sonko, Immigration Officer, Kerr Pateh Sub-Custom Border Post.