My Child Solution Project
My Child Solution is an innovative Health Management Information System (HMIS) based on Smart Paper Technology (SPT).
My Child Solution is an innovative Health Management Information System (HMIS) based on Smart Paper Technology (SPT). The project was first introduced in The Gambia in 2016, and it’s being implemented by ActionAid International The Gambia in partnership with the Ministry of Health of The Gambia (MoH), the Vaccine Alliance (Gavi), IKARE, Swedish Postcode Foundation (PKS), af Jochnick Foundation and Shifo Foundation.
The Smart Paper Technology relies on the use of smart paper forms that can be filled out at the point of care and scanned at regional scanning centres for automatic digitization of immunization data. This allows high quality individual-level data to be electronically available, while maintaining a paper-based system at the point-of-care, thus ensuring data collection is not affected by electricity outages or internet connectivity issues.
The goal of the project is to adjust the MyChild system and stock management solution to the national requirements of The Gambia to pilot and scale up the solution and ensure that every child is registered; and is followed-up to receive life-saving vaccines and preventive health services they are entitled to, and to eliminate under-stocking and over-stocking of vaccines and supplies at the health centres.
We believe that it is possible to increase rates of fully immunised children and achieve a day when no child dies or suffers from preventable diseases by implementing data collection and data use innovations. Therefore, the solution should meet the following criteria:
- Can be used in 100% of health service delivery points despite infrastructure limitations
- 100% of work processes to operate the solution can be transferred to existing health system structure
- Reduce the administration time of health workers by a minimum of 60%
- Digitise individual health records and produce data that is above 99% accurate, timely, consistent and complete
- Automatically digitise vaccine and supply stock books and accurately forecast all supply needs of service delivery points;
- Improve data use culture to a level where above 95% of service delivery points drive continuous improvement actions based on quality data and where governments and key actors direct resources to reach targets of quality of care indicators.
The project objectives are:
- To reduce administrative workload at facility level and strengthen data quality at the beneficiary level with the Smart Paper Technology Solution
- To continuously improve immunisation timeliness and rate of fully immunised children with data use based interventions
- To acquire and share evidence with key people to support uptake of the Smart Paper Technology Solution
- To accomplish project activities and have progress and financial reports approved
Mothers receive SMS alert to remind them about their monthly antenatal clinic
The Gambia launches digital immunization registry
Six years ago, the journey to establish a new Health Management Information System (HMIS) in The Gambia began. This year, all 91 health service delivery points in the country, including public, private, and not-for-profit clinics shifted to using the Smart Paper Technology (SPT) solution...more (Alkamba Times & Global Voices)